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Wine Region

Champagne, France


Champagne Delamotte

A great Champagne is, first and foremost, a great wine. This is the challenge that drives Champagne Delamotte and its sister house, the mythical Champagne Salon, both of which are located in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, a unique terroir and one of the most prized grand cru villages of the Côte des Blancs, renowned for the purity, freshness and definition of its wines. Spanning a history exceeding 260 years, Delamotte is the fifth oldest Champagne house in the region. Despite its remarkable and enduring heritage, it is a name that flies somewhat under the radar. Under the astute stewardship of Didier Depond since 1997, a tireless approach to vineyard husbandry and meticulous cellar practices remain stringent and paramount to the core Delamotte philosophy.