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Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Firefox SafariSeveral generations of Jérôme Bressy’s family had cultivated vines here but sold their grapes to the local co-operative. In 1989, Jérôme’s father Yves made a life-changing step, converting his vineyard holdings to organic farming - a massive investment given that he would continue selling to the co-op, with no premium. His extraordinary prescience delivered a healthy, balanced vineyard to Jérôme, the first member of this family of viticulturists to study winemaking.
For his first vintage, the “winery” was an old aircraft hangar on the estate. By 1998 a purpose-built chai was in situ and the scene had been set to produce wines of great purity and precision, now certified organic and biodynamic. Jérôme is very particular about his wines’ style and, with changes to the appellation laws, his vision was at odds with the prescribed varietals allowed. Faced with turning his back on his own style or accepting he could not have Rasteau emblazoned on his labels, he elected the latter course. The wines come from within Rasteau but are declassified in order to accommodate his preferred blends.