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Domaine du Pelican

Since its birth in Montigny-lès-Arsures in 2012, Domaine du Pélican has rapidly established itself as one of Jura’s leading lights.


Since its birth in Montigny-lès-Arsures in 2012, Domaine du Pélican has rapidly established itself as one of Jura’s leading lights, producing exceptional biodynamic wines that mix finesse with thrilling Jurassien character. The project was born in Taillevent Paris where Guillaume d’Angerville, proprietor of the great Volnay estate Marquis d’Angerville, was served blind a bottle of Jura Chardonnay from the 2005 vintage. Struck by its quality, Guillaume was taken aback to discover the wine was not from Meursault, let alone anywhere in the Côte d’Or.

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